Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Monday night I got home, sat down on the couch, and suddenly realized I wasn't feeling too well.  By Tuesday morning I had 101 degree fever and was pretty much useless.  So I spent the whole day in bed, ate very little, and basically did nothing.  Tuesday night I got out of bed, bound and determined to do SOMETHING...  So I baked a pie.  Here it is:

Unfortunately, my mother would murder me in my sleep if I divulged this recipe, so you'll just have to do with the picture.  :)

This morning (Wednesday) I'm feeling much better, but I still have a 100 degree fever, so the wife ordered me to stay home (and she also ordered me to get rid of the pie because just looking at it was making her fat...  psh...).  So I dropped the baby and the pie off at the grandparents, and stopped at Chic-fil-A for a chicken bagel.  When I got home I decided I could probably use some vitamin C, so I concocted this:

My get better juice.  I know the picture doesn't do it service...  It actually looks a lot better than that.

CJ's Get Better Juice

1/2 Pineapple
1 Banana
2 Blood Oranges (thus the color)
2 - 3 cups of no pulp orange juice

Put all the ingredients in a blender and liquefy.  And give it a good long while.  Strain out all the pulpy bits and drink it up.  Enjoy!

Ok, I'm going to go eat my chicken bagel, drink my juice, and watch some day-time TV.  



  1. You bought a pie crust for that most sacred of pies?

  2. Hey. I sent the wife to the store because I was sick. She doesn't k ow better.

  3. blame it on me. you think i don't read your blog...
